Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Phoenix Rebirth

Don’t know where to begin…it’s been a while! A few updates, John is doing awesomely. Thanks for joining me in Prayer, his ill health crashed us and took us a hundred steps back. But he’s beaten all of it hands down and he continues to be better each day. I keep telling him how super proud I am of him! Please continue to Pray for his full recovery, revival and renewal…Amen!

I was having a conversation with another great friend I refer to as Bluto last evening. He’s going through lots and lots of challenges at work. You know how it gets with mergers. BTW it doesn’t spare you the jumble if you are the acquirer…it’s a whole total mess. Someone somewhere should come up with quick, easy universal applicable solutions.

Obviously pep-talking him, because we go through this almost every day but this time, before he even shared how his day went, I had spent the day with John and seeing how he’s fought and won over this damn ill health, the Phoenix Rebirth came to mind.

Picture the Phoenix rebirth! He put down his beer and indeed pictured…

A Phoenix is a mythical bird with fiery plumage that lives up to a 100 years. Near the end of its life, it settles into its nest of twigs. And there, it burns ferociously, reducing bird and nest to ashes. It’s from this burning, from these ashes, a fledgling Phoenix rises-renewed and reborn.

Maybe sometimes we need to let ourselves be frustrated and impatient. Life is messy itself; the attempt to clean it up is one fruitless journey…because things happen in their own time anyway. The seasons of every experience has to run their course, the best we can do is ride the waves, knowing we have very little control over what happens.

In short, like John always told me, ‘this too shall pass.’ Indeed!
After burning ferociously, the fog lifts, the dark clouds move on…and you will begin to see with fresh eyes. There! Right there, sanity has returned! One day you will realize that you are happy again, that you are thriving. That you have been through fire and came out whole and renewed.

What am I trying to say today?
a.        Let’s let things happen.
b.       Don’t lose sight of what you hold as truth.
c.        It’s OK to feel the emotions, at the time is right.
d.       Reach out for support.
e.       Take care of yourself.
f.         And Hang in there…#this too shall pass.

John I can smell your rebirth...:-)

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